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Colloidal Silver has been clinically proven to be powerful natural antibiotic, estimated to kill over 650 different disease-causing pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast). Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, noted that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties. Colloidal silver was used widely until around 1938 when the FDA came into being and the movement toward synthetic antibiotics began to emerge. Although used by NASA on shuttle missions its use has all but disappeared except for hospital intensive burn units. A group of scientists in Pharm World Sci v.19 pp. 197-201 Aug., 1997, refer to colloidal silver as "an antiseptic agent added because of its known antifungal potency." It has also been reported that having silver in the bloodstream increases the healing process of fractured bones. Small amounts of silver have also been used over time to preserve foods. The following is a list of some of the (pre-1938) documented uses of silver, specifically in the colloidal form, for the treatment of various conditions and pathogens:
acne, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, burns, B.Tuberculosis, blepharitis, cancer, colitis, cystitis, diphtheria, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, ear infections, Eustachian tubes, eczema, fibrositis, furunculosis, gonorrhea herpes, gonorrhea, impetigo, influenza, intestinal conditions, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphagitis, malaria, Menier's symptoms, meningitis, neurasthenia, ophthalmology, canine parvo virus, pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, Pruritis Ani, quinsiie, rheumatism, ring worm, rhinitis, scarletina, seborrhea, septic ulcers, sepsis, septicemia, skin cancer, shingles, soft sores, spruce, staph infections, strep infections, Subdies inflammation, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, typhoid, trench foot, ulcers, warts, whooping-cough and yeast infections.
Today we are threatened by more "severe" viruses such as the Ebola and Hanta and other "flesh-eating" bacteria. However, understanding that these are merely viruses and bacteria, silver renders these organisms as ineffective in the disease game as any others. Under a microscope, bacteria which have mutated to the point where they laugh at penicillin are quickly dispatched with a few ions of silver.
Angstrom, named after Jonas Anders, (1814-1874) Swedish physicist; pioneer in spectroscopy.
A unit of measure equal to 1 hundred-millionth of a centimeter. In everyday terms, a sheet of paper is approximately 1,000,000 angstroms thick. Visible light covers the range from 4,000 to 8,000 angstroms.
Colloidal Silver is defined as a very small particle of silver, 10 to 5,000 Angstroms in diameter, suspended in a different medium, such as a solid in a liquid. It is most commonly produced today by passing an electrical current over a couple of silver electrodes immersed in water. This process forms an electrical current in the liquid medium that generates particles that become suspended in that liquid. Each colloid particle contains approximately 10-5000 silver atoms. The particles are so small that one billion would fit into a cube four one hundredths of an inch in size. Colloidal silver is also an electrical colloid meaning the silver particles, have a positive electrical charge. Because of the small particle size and electrical charge, the particles repel each other and thus theoretically stay suspended in the water indefinitely and do not settle out.
HOW IT WORKS... theoretically
Colloidal silver works in several ways. It ís very effective anti-microbial properties have resulted in use by doctors for the treatment of AIDS, Cancer, Epstein Barr, Gonorrhea, Lyme's Disease, Candida, fungus, warts and parasites.
In order to understand how colloidal silver works, one must first understand the disease-state of the body. The body encounters pathogens and other foreign entities many times a day. When the body is healthy, it maintains a proper pH and oxygen-rich environment.
The pH (parts Hydrogen) inside the cells of the body is usually near an alkaline pH 7.2-7.4. Outside the cell, the fluid surrounding the cells will usually realize an acidic pH near 4.0. However, when an individual does not maintain a healthy environment in the body, the pH begins to rise in the outer fluid and fall inside the cell. This reduces the electrical potential of the cell. The oxygen levels in the body respond by decreasing. Pathogens that grow in the body will usually attack these weakened cells and "set up shop". Organisms that cause illness and attack these weak cells cannot survive in healthy cells that have outer fluid pH below ~4.0 and inner cellular fluid above pH ~6.9. Silver maintains a positive charge which when introduced to areas of infection; disrupt the organisms causing the illness.
Interestingly, colloidal silver kills the pathogens by inhibiting the enzyme(s) that these pathogens utilize to survive in their anaerobic environment. This enzyme(s) is the pathogen's "chemical lung". Without the necessary enzyme(s) for metabolism, growth, regeneration and survival, the pathogens "suffocate" and die. It is believed that viruses are destroyed because the electric valence charge of silver particles cause their protective protein coat, also referred to as the "head", to collapse and are rendered unable to replicate. The cells infected by virus will also be susceptible to enzymatic inhibition. They are then removed from the body by the immune, lymphatic, and intestinal elimination systems. This process is so effective that no pathogen has been recorded to mutate against colloidal silver or live in its presence for more than 6 minutes. While antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, as several strains of germs are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, they are not able to develop any resistant strains or immunity to SILVER.
Why is there no toxicity? Because the silver is in a colloidal form, any excess that is not needed by the body is easily eliminated thereby preventing the accumulation in body tissues for long periods of time. There is no known interaction between PURE colloidal silver and any drugs, herbs or medicines. Colloidal silver is reported to be nontoxic to the body. No known cases exist demonstrating the ability to overdose using colloidal silver.
It is so simple. You can make your own colloidal silver for under $1.00 per gallon!
acne, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, burns, B.Tuberculosis, blepharitis, cancer, colitis, cystitis, diphtheria, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, ear infections, Eustachian tubes, eczema, fibrositis, furunculosis, gonorrhea herpes, gonorrhea, impetigo, influenza, intestinal conditions, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphagitis, malaria, Menier's symptoms, meningitis, neurasthenia, ophthalmology, canine parvo virus, pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, Pruritis Ani, quinsiie, rheumatism, ring worm, rhinitis, scarletina, seborrhea, septic ulcers, sepsis, septicemia, skin cancer, shingles, soft sores, spruce, staph infections, strep infections, Subdies inflammation, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, typhoid, trench foot, ulcers, warts, whooping-cough and yeast infections.
Today we are threatened by more "severe" viruses such as the Ebola and Hanta and other "flesh-eating" bacteria. However, understanding that these are merely viruses and bacteria, silver renders these organisms as ineffective in the disease game as any others. Under a microscope, bacteria which have mutated to the point where they laugh at penicillin are quickly dispatched with a few ions of silver.
Angstrom, named after Jonas Anders, (1814-1874) Swedish physicist; pioneer in spectroscopy. A unit of measure equal to 1 hundred-millionth of a centimeter. In everyday terms, a sheet of paper is approximately 1,000,000 angstroms thick. Visible light covers the range from 4,000 to 8,000 angstroms.

HOW IT WORKS... theoretically
Colloidal silver works in several ways. It ís very effective anti-microbial properties have resulted in use by doctors for the treatment of AIDS, Cancer, Epstein Barr, Gonorrhea, Lyme's Disease, Candida, fungus, warts and parasites. In order to understand how colloidal silver works, one must first understand the disease-state of the body. The body encounters pathogens and other foreign entities many times a day. When the body is healthy, it maintains a proper pH and oxygen-rich environment.
The pH (parts Hydrogen) inside the cells of the body is usually near an alkaline pH 7.2-7.4. Outside the cell, the fluid surrounding the cells will usually realize an acidic pH near 4.0. However, when an individual does not maintain a healthy environment in the body, the pH begins to rise in the outer fluid and fall inside the cell. This reduces the electrical potential of the cell. The oxygen levels in the body respond by decreasing. Pathogens that grow in the body will usually attack these weakened cells and "set up shop". Organisms that cause illness and attack these weak cells cannot survive in healthy cells that have outer fluid pH below ~4.0 and inner cellular fluid above pH ~6.9. Silver maintains a positive charge which when introduced to areas of infection; disrupt the organisms causing the illness.
Interestingly, colloidal silver kills the pathogens by inhibiting the enzyme(s) that these pathogens utilize to survive in their anaerobic environment. This enzyme(s) is the pathogen's "chemical lung". Without the necessary enzyme(s) for metabolism, growth, regeneration and survival, the pathogens "suffocate" and die. It is believed that viruses are destroyed because the electric valence charge of silver particles cause their protective protein coat, also referred to as the "head", to collapse and are rendered unable to replicate. The cells infected by virus will also be susceptible to enzymatic inhibition. They are then removed from the body by the immune, lymphatic, and intestinal elimination systems. This process is so effective that no pathogen has been recorded to mutate against colloidal silver or live in its presence for more than 6 minutes. While antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, as several strains of germs are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, they are not able to develop any resistant strains or immunity to SILVER.
Why is there no toxicity? Because the silver is in a colloidal form, any excess that is not needed by the body is easily eliminated thereby preventing the accumulation in body tissues for long periods of time. There is no known interaction between PURE colloidal silver and any drugs, herbs or medicines. Colloidal silver is reported to be nontoxic to the body. No known cases exist demonstrating the ability to overdose using colloidal silver.
It is so simple. You can make your own colloidal silver for under $1.00 per gallon!
1. Buy a 10 to 30 volt DC transformer for about 5 clams. Better yet, pick up one at a flea market for fifty cents. The current doesn't matter as this method uses less than one ma. There is no downside risk in these concentrations. One can use one to four 9 volt batteries in series. They will last a long time.
2. Clip the connector off the end of the wire.
3. Get two alligator clips from Radio Shack for a buck.
4. Carefully separate the two wires. Strip the insulation off for about 1 inch.
5. Connect each lead to the clip.
6. You need two electrodes. You can use 2, 6" pieces of .999 silver wire, 12 to 14 gauge (Ebay $20 to $13). Go to any coin store and buy two Canadian Maple Leafs for about $20 ea. Each has 1 oz. of .9999 pure silver, enough to make more CS than you will ever use.
7. Buy a gallon of distilled water for about seventy cents.
8. Buy a tiny fish tank bubbler machine for about eight bucks. They will have the neoprene tubing as well. You will need about two feet.
9. Be sure the coin is squeaky clean. Clamp them to opposite sides of an 8 oz. glass of distilled water.
10. Place the tubing to the bottom of the glass.
11. Fill the glass with distilled water ONLY up to the bottom of the clips. One does not want the metal, from the clips, in contact with the water, only the coins.
12. Plug in the little transformer and oxygenation machine.
13. Run for about five hours.
14. Carefully remove the coins. There will be residue on them and you don't want that in the solution. For even more purity, use the neoprene tubing and siphon the solution into a clean glass/or plastic container. (In these parts a siphon hose is referred to as an "Arkansas credit card".)
15. Keep the CS out of sunlight in an air tight bottle.
16. Clean the coins thoroughly preparing for the next batch.

Makes 2 pound (2 servings)

2 pound bag of powdered sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 Sticks of butter
1/4 cup milk
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
On your counter top put some aluminum foil.
In Microwave bowl, mix together sugar, cocoa. On top put the cold stick of butter and milk.
Microwave on high until the butter is melted or longer for harder Fudge.
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 Sticks of butter
1/4 cup milk
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
On your counter top put some aluminum foil.
In Microwave bowl, mix together sugar, cocoa. On top put the cold stick of butter and milk.
Microwave on high until the butter is melted or longer for harder Fudge.
Stir in the vanilla and when all mixed up, plop onto the foil and spread as thick as U want.
Lick spoon and bowl. Go ahead, its OK, your coach said itís OK. Makes 2 pound (2 servings)